
July 6, 2013


Hai darlings ! When I find a new feature for PS ( well not that new ) I am worried to use it because I always fear that I will over do it and ruin a good photo. When I start using photoshop last year I took a look on Berry's blog to see a few tutorials and she talked about exposure too but I was affraid to try it. This fears comes from my insecuritty of not knowing the unknowed; yes this is strange but what can I do ? Easy , I will try it after my fear goes away.

So after 8 months I finally tryed exposure and I really like the effect but as I am very subjective when it comes to myself I will ask, actually pretty ask you guys to let me know if it's appealing to you or I over processed the photo.

Love, Roxi !

Izzie's Ivana - Fair with Freckles
Tuli Lashes - Black
Essences Endless Night Lipstick
Insufferable Dastard Reflection Eyes - Light BlueGreen
Truth Elisha - Swedish w/Roots
Mutresse Dupla Ruffled Leggings and Bustier Bra ( with color change hud )
Izzie's Anchor Necklace - Gold
Slink Mesh Hands
Gos Boutique Mesh Feet - Arched

Imeka Poses ( no longer available )

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